The refugee situation is growing daily. Green corridors are opening up from Mariupal, Kharkiv and other bombed out cities. Pray for their safety. One convoy of seven vehicles filled with refugees was bombed and many were killed. Please pray for these convoys. For our ywam drivers.

Pray for our workers all along the borders. More volunteers are needed who speak Ukraineian or Russian. Councilors are also needed.

The Ukrainian translation of the “Trauma Recovery Workbook for Children”, and the “Facilitators Guide” are done! You can download them here for free:
There is also a Russian version, and another 9 different languages.
We have used them through the years, teaching how to use them to the caretakers of refugee children, and it has been a big blessing! Please have a look at this page with the explanation on how to use this!

Ywam Cluj, Romania ·
It has been more than one month since the conflict in Ukraine started. It’s painful for all of us, but even more for those who have to flee the country.
We are blessed to be able to offer our love, a community and food to those who need it the most. Sometimes we cook for 50 people, other times for 85…but everyday we are cooking and serving with joy.
P.S.: Yes, we need a bigger place for meals and we are working on it!

Amy is in Bucharest, Romania.
Romania – Day 16. There were not many volunteers when I arrived at the Baptist church in the morning, so I immediately asked if the morning cleaning had been done yet. They said no, and said it would be a huge help, since cleaning hadn’t been done since we girls did it yesterday. I spent a bit of time sweeping, mopping, cleaning whatever needed to be cleaned, before going into the kids room. They all yelled out in greeting when I walked in, and rushed to hug me. After spending all this time with them the last few days, they now call me their auntie friend. We did the usual of card games and painting (guess which painting is mine lol), until we got to the early afternoon when we’ve traditionally started up a cartoon for them to enjoy. Today we watched the Secret Life of Pets 2, and it was a big hit. Once 2:00 came and they went to lunch, I headed back to the hotel where I met up with my team and we all went to downtown, to walk around and explore and enjoy Bucharest a little bit.

The border areas have changed since the first days of the war. Most of them have now been organized by the government and humanitarian organizations. Refugees are now put on buses and taken to the nearest cities. There they are taken to buildings that are set up to process them, asking them if they have relatives or friends in any of the European countries. They are then put on trains and buses to those countries. Those that are staying to await the day they can go back to Ukraine are sent to local places.

Our ywam centers in Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany and now futher out in Switzerland, Holland have taken in many of these refugees and are taking care of them . Many are now arriving in Tijuana, Mexico at the U.S. border.

The work they do as described above is true servanthood. Pray for them!

Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team