Day 55 (Ukraine)
As the fighting intensifies, we’re subconsciously looking for something “big” to report, but the situation is changing every hour, and I have to remind myself that sometimes “Nothing big to report” is also God’s answer to our prayers.
Last night, as I was going to bed, with air raid warnings in all regions of Ukraine, I was wondering what the night would bring. Like in the first weeks of the war, I hesitated before opening my eyes in the morning and was relieved when I discovered that the enemy attacks weren’t successful.
Nevertheless, the war continues, and the devastation continues. Today, there was heavy artillery shelling along the whole front line (which is almost 500 km/350 miles long). They continued airstrikes on Kharkiv and Mykolaiv. According to reports from Mariupol, they bombed their main shelter (Azovstal plant) with extra heavy bombs – hundreds of civilians remain under the rubble.
But I call to God, and the Lord will save me. Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he hears my voice. (Psalm 55:16-17)
In all of these reports, once again, I am looking for glimpses of hope:

“Days are very busy and tiredness is growing too. If I knew that the war would be this long …I probably would still be doing what I am doing now. We are continuing evacuation from the East of Ukraine. In the last 10 days we evacuated more than 1000 people (many of them disabled) . Please pray for our drivers. I just talked to our team leader and he definitely needs a good break. We are expecting a semitruck tomorrow with food and supplies and we will be able to serve refugees and local people who are in need of food. Please continue praying for us! Thank you!”

Russian forces are attacking Ukrainian positions along the entire 300-mile (480km) front line in the eastern Donbas region.
It comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that a long-awaited Russian offensive in the east had begun.
Moscow claims to have struck more than 1,000 targets overnight
Our Y family are safe at the moment. As it is getting more intense, please continue to press into God. We are so grateful for all of the intercessors.

Her sign says, “I am Nadia Molchets, I am looking for my parents, I am in Tisabech, Hungary.” Pray for the many children who are displaced, many without their parents.

The new offensive has begun on the Eastern side of Ukraine. It is expected that things will get much worse in the coming days. Can we pray for God’s intervention? Pray for lives to be spared in these many new cities that are expecting bombings. Pray for the elderly that cannot leave. Pray for those still stuck in the steel factory in Mariupol. Pray for new strength and safety for the teams still feeding and evacuating people from the villages.

Al Akimoff and the Slavic Ministries Team